Saturday, November 7, 2009


feelings. what I feel. I feel like in a prison that can not be viewed. even though my country has been independent. I know that there is a secret not known by me. and unknown to the society in this world. my mind colonized by a power. a power that can not be expressed with words. I tried to break though the truth. I see people seem to have no religion. they do not realize all that. they will say that they are free and can do whatever they want. they are wrong. their perception is wrong. in fact we live under an evil force that tries to control our thinking. we are influenced by the media. I want you all to know that the media is a very effective way to dominate the world. it is a technique frequently used by the evil powers. if I can, I want to liberate you all. but, what can I do. I am just a normal girl who tried to truth. who will hear the words of ordinary people?. they only hear the words of their leader. now in 2009. based on my observations, people seem to have no more religion. they have forgotten the origins of their offspring. The question is, they forget or they are asked to do so intentionally?. in my opinion, they were so caused by evil powers that control their minds. they do not realize. if you want to know what I mean evil power, you need to study the current state of society. remember! do not look at past elites. secretly stored neatly in the elites. you will know the answer. you will also successfully liberate your mind from evil is conquered by the power. I keep waiting for the new year with a full pulsation. it is because the new year, new plan. you know what plan?. This plan is conquering the world. make people listen to them. still more secret they have not known by me. hold on hold after my painful. My mind never stops to think. I believe strongly that one day the truth will set up. only, the only part still controlled by this evil power. you all need to remember that victory is always in the truth.




Illuminati conspiracies

Adam WeishauptIt is well established that by the end of the eighteenth century, the Illuminati had been effectively disbanded. That will surely burst the bubble of those who've come here seeking to find some buried bit of proof that they still exist and are today controlling the world.

Because of Freemasonry's inadvertent involvement and the misuse of Freemasonry by the Illuminati's founder who had become a Mason, the legends of its continued existence (and influence) persist into the twenty-first century tying the organizations somehow together. In fact, Weishaupt founded the organization and then tried to get the Freemasons involved. He achieved a very limited success in a couple of lodges but was soon seen as a 'user' and his group removed - not unlike the 'fake Masonry' of today, actually!

In the 1950s and 1960s, members of the John Birch Society made much of this supposed 'shadow' organization, using it as an effective substitute for their anti-Semitism. Perhaps some of the confusion regarding the organization is due to the fact that over time, the word illuminati came to be used more expansively for many enthusiasts of Enlightenment, including but not limited to the followers of Emmanuel Swedenborg. Nevertheless, the Illuminati's connection with Freemasonry was date-specific (the late 1700s) and place-specific (what is now Germany); it had NO involvement in Freemasonry elsewhere despite fanciful claims. Even the oft-mentioned 'Proofs of A Conspiracy' written in 1797 by Robison (and the root cause of so much furor in the United States as a result of one Boston Minister's fanciful claims made based on that book) notes that the Illuminati's brand of Freemasonry was NOT the same Freemasonry as found in England and from which all other legitimate Masonic lodges today can trace their ancestry.


I expect very cooperation from all Muslims in this world to watch "The Arrivals" because this video is stored neatly dug secretly by the group "Illuminati" or followers "Freemason". Hopefully this video can liberate our mind that during the controlled by them.